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  • Day One

  • 08:20

    Register; grab a coffee. Mix, mingle and say hello to peers old and new.

  • 08:50

    Welcome from Corinium and the Chairperson

  • 09:00
    Lee Barney-Oct-02-2024-04-01-06-9924-AM

    Adopting a practical approach to OT risk

    Lee Barney - GM Technology Security - TPG Telecom


    Critical infrastructure owners and operators face specific challenges, and common security controls might not meet the enterprise’s requirements. During this session, we will explore how to adopt a holistic and practical approach to OT by involving business owners and architecture teams. We’ll also explore successful practices in mitigating common risks.

  • 09:25

    Asset Intelligence: The Bedrock of Cyber Security


    Extensive knowledge of assets that need to be secured is foundational for any effort to secure any type of asset. It’s no surprise that the Security of Critical Infrastructure Act 2018 (SOCI) addresses this in its initial requirements and recommendations.

    When an Asset Intelligence platform is implemented as the bedrock of a cyber security initiative asset information is continuously collected, aggregated, correlated and analysed making all subsequent activities easier.

    Join us to learn what constitutes an Asset Intelligence platform and how specific capabilities optimise every step of the process to compliance.

  • 09:50
    Naveen Sharma

    Develop and Implement a Software as a Service Security Program

    Naveen Sharma - Head of Information Security - Superloop


    Join us for a comprehensive SaaS security program used to address unique needs for OT environments. We'll cover key strategies including multi-factor authentication, zero trust architecture, and cloud access security brokers. We'll emphasise the importance of continuous monitoring, threat intelligence, and robust incident response plans to protect vital systems and data in SaaS environments.

  • 10:15


  • 10:45
    Gaurav Verma (1)

    Wireless attacks on IoT in 2025


    In this presentation, we address the critical challenges posed by wireless attacks to IoT to OT systems, as they become increasingly more vulnerable to IP-based attacks and malware. We delve into the anatomy of these attacks, emphasising the importance of robust risk assessment, due diligence, and continuous monitoring of OT systems. Tailored mitigation strategies are crucial for enhancing resilience against these threats. By fostering awareness and implementing proactive measures, CISOs can effectively lead their organisations in mitigating evolving risks and safeguarding against cyber threats.

  • 11:10

    Zero Trust in Critical Infra: from Cyber Conscious to Cyber Resilient

    Senior representative - TBC - Tenable


    How cyber leaders in critical infrastructure organisations are adopting Zero Trust Segmentation as a simple way to not only protect themselves and the public interest from immediate and evolving threat, but also to strategically balance innovation and cyber risk. Rethinking security architectures for modern platforms that run critical infrastructure and economy vital systems - from conscious reaction to resilient anticipation.

  • 11:35
    Panel Discussion (2)-Sep-25-2023-06-46-39-6361-AM

    Panel: OT Compliance and Standards – Are you Resilient Enough?

    • An overview of SOCI Act part 2 – preparing for all new regulations that are coming from it
    • Understanding the AEMO AESCSF framework and resources for electricity, gas, power and solar
    • Essential 8, NIST, SoNS Systems of National Significance – using these frameworks as a strategy to advance your security maturity profile


    Raghu Gandhy, CISO, Veolia ANZ

    Pearse Courtney, Cyber Project Manager, AEMO

  • 12:10

    The Chain Reaction - Take Control of Supply Chain Cyber Risk


    Your supply chain consists of your third and fourth parties as well as Nth parties that are all connected to your business. Vulnerabilities and threats in your supply chain can pose risks to your business operations. In this session, we will discuss how you can gain visibility into your vendor’s cybersecurity posture and take proactive actions to manage and secure your supply chain.

  • 12:35
    Kyvi Han

    Using Gen AI in OT risk management

    Kyvi Han - Technology Risk Manager - Commonwealth Bank

    • Assessing how the integration of AI in OT environments expands potential attack surfaces – and how to avoid it
    • Strategies to identify specific use cases where AI can enhance existing processes
    • Developing clear goals for AI implementation, focusing on improving risk assessment processes, reducing costs, and saving time
  • 13:00


  • 14:00
    Panel Discussion-1

    Panel: Protecting Operations Technology from increased cyber risks


    Join us to explore strategies to safeguard OT from rampant cyber threats. We'll cover network segmentation, access control, threat detection, and incident response tailored for OT environments. Learn how to implement robust security measures, balance cybersecurity with operational continuity, and address unique challenges posed by legacy systems and increased connectivity in networks.


    Jeevan Witt, Director Operations, Cyber Security Operations Centre, Sydney Metro

    Matthew Duckworth, Director, IT Risk and Security, MetLife Australia

    Nisbert Manyuchi, Technology Operations Manager, Charter Hall

  • 14:35

    Incident Management Strategies for Critical Infrastructure Operators


    Having an effective incident declaration process in place is key when developing your compliance strategy and meeting critical infrastructure regulations and standards. During this session, we’ll discuss best-practice defining and fine-tuning incident declaration processes and response plans, identify what your organisation is doing, and brainstorm strategies to advance your maturity model.

  • 15:00
    Shalindra Kulasuriya

    Improving collaboration between IT and OT teams

    Shalindra Kulasuriya - Manager of Cyber Defence - AEMO


    This session explores strategies to bridge the gap between Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT) teams. We'll discuss the importance of shared goals, cross-training initiatives, and unified security policies. Learn how to foster a culture of collaboration, implement integrated technologies, and create joint incident response plans for enhanced organizational resilience and efficiency.

  • 15:25

    Convergence of physical and cybersecurity

    • How to overcome legacy challenges when compliance costs become too great
    • Strategies to overcoming the increase of cyber risk to industrial control
    • Adopting cybersecurity strategies across your ICT (industry control systems)
    • Effectively managing vulnerabilities of OT and IoT devices
    • Key cybersecurity considerations of networks, mobile and the cloud
    • Preparing for wars and natural disasters – implications to physical facilities and how to be prepared
  • 15:50


  • 16:20

    Defence in Depth in CI – Technology and Process


    Critical infrastructure owners and operators face specific challenges, and common security controls might not meet the enterprise’s requirements. During this session, we will explore how an approach that uses layered defensive mechanisms to protect systems and data can be effectively implemented in your organisation.

  • 16:45

    Ransomware and social engineering on OT environments


    Ransomware attacks on OT systems are increasingly prevalent, often leveraging social engineering tactics as an initial vector. These attacks exploit the convergence of IT and OT networks, targeting legacy systems and human vulnerabilities. The consequences can be severe, disrupting critical infrastructure and potentially endangering public safety, necessitating robust cybersecurity measures and employee training.

  • 17:10

    OT Security 2025 Close & Networking Drinks


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  • Main Conference Day One

  • 07:15

    VIP Breakfast – Invite only

  • 08:20

    Register; grab a coffee. Mix, mingle and say hello to peers old and new.

  • 09:00
    Kevin Fleming_Photo-1

    Welcome from Corinium and the Chairperson

    Kevin Fleming - Chief Technology Officer - ExperstDirect

  • 09:15
    Wouter Veugelen_Photo-1

    Keynote: Leveraging cybersecurity as a business growth enabler

    Wouter Veugelen - Former CISO - Santos

    • How the cybersecurity function can support the business to deliver key strategic goals
    • Benefits of including cybersecurity as part of your organisation’s Environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) processes and frameworks
  • 09:40
    Matt Preswick_Photo-2

    Top Cloud Threats in 2023

    Matt Preswick - APAC Solutions Engineer - Wiz


    Cloud adoption is expanding rapidly, and with that expansion comes new complexities. The speed of growth and change in the cloud creates an ever-changing threat landscape. Wiz Research is at the forefront of the cloud's threat landscape and is behind the discovery of vulnerabilities like ChaosDB, ExtraReplica, AttachMe and OMIGOD. In this session, we will cover the major cloud threats recently seen by the Wiz Research team which includes supply chain risks, data exposure, API security threats, and attack patterns used by groups such as LAP$U$. This session summarizes key insights across customers, Wiz and third-party threat research, and numerous other sources

  • 10:05
    gorton-brendan-oconnor - Edited

    Ministerial Virtual Keynote: Australian Government & Industries partnering up to tackle the talent gap through skills and training

    The Hon. Brendan O’Connor - Minister for Skills and Training - Australian Government

    • Overview on the growing threats landscape and how it could impact our societies, businesses, and economies
    • Bridging the talent gap for better security and resilience
    • Advices for Australian organisations to support workforce training when adopting robust cyber security measures
  • 09:50
    Sergio Rego

    How Deep Learning is Unlocking a $362B Value Creation Opportunity in Financial Services

    Sergio Rego - AI Customer Engineer - SambaNova Systems


    In the highly competitive age of digital transformation financial service organizations are facing accelerated urgency to improve their customer and employee experience while simultaneously reducing operating costs, and managing risk and compliance.

    To meet these competing demands on their business, these organizations are racing to deploy deep learning to achieve a new competitive edge by optimizing their back office operations with intelligent document processing, personalizing their customer experience with cutting edge NLP models, and reducing fraud and risk using state-of-the-art deep learning.

    AI is here and delivering new capabilities to help businesses solve large and complicated challenges. Join Bob Gaines to learn what that means for your business and how deep learning is helping organizations:

    • Achieve higher compliance, faster and with lower costs • Dramatically improve Customer Experience • Reduce time to value from years to weeks

    Sergio Rego is a customer engineer at SambaNova Systems where he helps clients deploy purpose-built, deep learning solutions in weeks rather than years. Sergio started his career in financial services, where he worked in strategy; active and index management; and product design and management. Sergio also served as a senior data scientist and team manager for a system integrator where he helped federal government agencies deploy ML and AI solutions.

  • 10:15


  • 10:50
    Keith Howard v2

    Keynote: Proactive cybersecurity – stepping up your efforts

    Keith Howard - CISO - CommBank


    As the severity of scams and frauds increase and cybercrime becomes more sophisticate than ever, staying ahead of the game is critical. During this session, you’ll hear how cybersecurity is “front of mind” for one of Australia’s largest banks by investing in the right skills, creating robust defence and control systems, and employing effective detection and response plans.

  • 11:15
    Tim Bentley

    Minimising User Exposure to Threats

    Tim Bentley - Regional Director APAC - Abnormal Security


    Three-quarters of Australian CISOs see human error as their organisation’s biggest cyber vulnerability. What if there was a way to stop rolling the human dice every day?

    Learn how organisations can leverage advanced behavioural science and automation for informed and near instantaneous decision-making on what is good and what is bad email. As well as removing the increasing burden that is placed on employees as a last line of defence.

    In this session we will discuss:

    • Account takeover techniques and measures that can be taken to help protect against them
    • New insights and controls over protecting against supply chain attacks
    • The accuracy of advanced behavioural data science in identifying anomalous behaviour
  • 11:40
    Bradley Busch_Photo-3

    Inspirational Keynote: Don’t blame the victim

    Bradley Busch - CISO - AUB Group


    During this session, Brad will share his personal when he was seriously injured in a bike accident’ He’ll share lessons learned, why cyber security professionals shouldn’t blame the victim and how to help their friends and organisations recover from data breaches and cyber-attacks.

  • 12:05
    Jacquie Young_photo-1

    Ransomware, Risk & Recovery - Is Your Hybrid Active Directory Secure from Cyberattacks?

    Jacquie Young - VP APAC - Semperis


    With the threat of cyber warfare becoming ever more serious, every organisation needs a “this is not a drill” cyber-first recovery plan. If cyberattackers targeted your organisation, the most likely business-crippling scenario would be a direct attack on Active Directory (AD)—the system that authenticates users and grants access to business-critical applications and services. AD has become a prime target for cybercriminals—implicated in 90% of the incidents Mandiant researchers investigate—because it has systemic vulnerabilities and because it gives attackers the means to unleash devastating malware.

    The NotPetya attack that crippled Maersk in 2017 was a harbinger of the chaos to come. In this session, we’ll examine the action plan every organisation needs to execute to protect against a business-disrupting cyber incident.

    • How long does an incident response take usually and what normally brings down the AD?
    • How common is it that the Active Directory is used in a data breach ransomware scenario?
    • What does ADFR require to be able to recover AD?
  • 12:30
    Panel Discussion

    Panel discussion: Harnessing cyber awareness to your company’s advantage


    CISOs committed to creating risk awareness and building a cybersecurity driven culture are facing several challenges, from getting senior management buy-in, to implementing organisational change and engaging employees. During this session, you’ll explore:

    • What are the biggest challenges when getting buy-in from top management?
    • Successful ways of incorporating cybersecurity into the organisation’s risk management strategy
    • How to encourage everybody to take ownership of cyber?
    • Why leaders must be committed to continually improve their teams’ skills and knowledge in IT and cybersecurity – and how do to this?

    Kevin Fleming
    , Chief Technology Officer, ExperstDirect


    Frances Bouzo, CISO, Ampol

    Anna Aquilina, CISO, UTS

    Jo Stewart-Rattray, Chief Security Officer, Silverchain

    Grant Lockwood, CISO, Virtus Health

    Varun Acharya, CISO, Healthscope

  • 13:05



  • 14:15
    John Morcos_Photo

    Creating a robust security strategy

    John Morcos - Cyber Security Program Manager -

    • How to go about defining your Cyber Security Strategy?
    • What metrics should you use to measure progress and success of the strategy?
    • What frameworks should you consider when building the Cyber Security Strategy?
    • What are example capabilities to consider?
    • What does your roadmap look like?
    • What budget will you be asking for per year based on the roadmap?
    • How do you plan on operating these capabilities?
  • 14:40
    Scott Hesford - Edited

    Why PAM is Essential for the Essential Eight

    Scott Hesford - Director of Solutions Engineering, APJ - BeyondTrust


    As more organisations look to align to the Essential Eight many are finding significant challenges around the aspects of removing Admin Privileges, Application Control and User Application Hardening. Yet as many organisations are finding, leveraging a modern Privilege Access Management solution can provide significant coverage across the requirements of the Essential Eight and more.

    Join Scott Hesford, Director of Solutions Engineering, APJ, BeyondTrust, as he dives into some of the more challenging aspects of the Essential Eight and, bringing first-hand experience, shows you how you can solve many of the challenges you might be facing in adopting the Essential Eight. 

    By attending this session, you will learn:

    • How modern PAM helps organisations cover multiple aspects of the Essential Eight
    • Where you can leverage the Essential Eight for your zero-trust journey
    • Key questions to ask in consideration to Application Control and User Application Hardening
  • 15:05
    Jennifer Firbank_Photo - Edited

    Cyber’s best friend: Have you brought them into the tent?

    Jennifer Firbank - Strategy and Influence Principal - Telstra


    There’s a cyber superpower out there, but have you discovered them yet? If you’ve discovered them, have you brought them into the tent? When it all goes pear shaped, they’ll be the second call you make (after your boss!) When all is going well, you’ll want to speak to them regularly to drive strong security outcomes. Let me introduce them to you and share the why and how. You’ll want one too! 

  • 15:30
    Ashley Diffey - Edited (1)

    End-to-End Customer Journeys Optimized for Security and Convenience

    Ashley Diffey - Head of APAC & Japan - Ping Identity


    Businesses have embraced digital to engage with their customers. As quickly as brands have delivered digital experiences, bad actors have been just as fast in figuring out how to use credential stuffing, account takeover, and other types of attacks to their advantage. Keeping pace in this rapidly evolving threat landscape requires businesses to look for innovative ways to build experiences that optimize both security and convenience. But, ensuring one doesn’t overshadow the other often requires multiple integrations and custom development that adds internal friction and slows down innovation. A customer identity strategy that expands beyond access management, but includes fraud detection and identity verification capabilities that can seamlessly be orchestrated together can eliminate integration challenges and drive innovation. Join this session to learn Ping Identity’s drag-and-drop approach to customer identity that streamlines bringing together all the tools a business needs to rapidly build, test and optimize end-to-end customer journeys.

  • 15:55
    Ashwani Ram_Photo

    How to adopt a security by design approach

    Ashwani Ram - GM, Cybersecurity, IT Infrastructure and Operations - Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand

    • How to effectively translate threat to risk to the board and the teams
    • Human-issue in risk management – improving culture through intelligence models
    • Eliminating risks by improving your asset x threat x vulnerability model – hype or reality?

  • 14:15
    Freddie Ghahremani_Photo

    What do you need to know about the Cloud before totally going for it?

    Freddie Ghahremani - Data Strategy & Cloud Senior Development Manager - TAL Australia

    • How the lack of understanding and false sense of security impacts your cloud journey
    • How save your data really is when you move to the cloud?
    • What factors you must consider to ensure you are getting a reliable, secure product
    • Strategies to trust and rely on your providers with a full, clear picture of what you are getting as part of your contract
  • 14:40
    Anthony Rees-1

    Adversarial Hygiene: Security that doesn’t Stink!

    Anthony Rees - Senior Sales Engineer - Lacework


    Securing the cloud is a never-ending task that becomes more challenging each year as clouds accrue new features and functionality. The same can be said for the ever increasing responsibilities and mandates expected of CISOs, including driving the probability of intrusions, data exfiltration, ransomware, etc., to effectively zero. With new technologies and tools come great opportunities for businesses; however, if they are not used appropriately and securely, they can do more damage than good. In this session we will address the elephant in the room: how can CISO’s do more with less, while ensuring the integrity of their resilience based security architecture, and prepare for enterprise obstacles and opportunities ahead.

  • 15:05
    Nimesh Mohan-1

    SOC Automation – dos and don’ts

    Nimesh Mohan - Group Threat and Vulnerability Lead - Coca-Cola Europacific Partners Australia


    In a world where the pressure to deliver new and innovative ICT capability is only ever growing, and the threat actors are also increasingly sophisticated and pervasive, how can companies ensure they meet these challenges whilst still ensuring cyber resilience? During this interactive discussion, hear challenges and benefits of SOC Automation, explore experiences and lessons learned, and discuss different ways of improving and driving efficiency of your SOC.

  • 15:30
    john cunningham

    Organisational Considerations for Impending GPDR like Regulations to Cyber, Data Governance and Data Privacy Teams

    John Cunningham - Vice President and General Manager APAC - Securiti


    With the growth of the digital services industry and AI technologies, data has arguably become one of the most valuable economic resources of the modernized economy. However, it is also becoming increasingly the most regulated and riskiest to handle.

    The emergence of the GDPR in Europe, which is based on a set of comprehensive principles and obligations for data controllers, extra-territorial application, and strict enforcement mechanisms has been followed by countries and jurisdictions around the world passing similarly prescriptive data privacy and protection laws all with their own unique requirements.

    Today more than 200+ countries have passed data privacy and protection laws which keep getting more complex and demanding - countries like New Zealand, Indonesia, and India are now also morphing these regulations into Data Protection and Privacy requirements including for Sensitive Data. Australia is also embarking on its own uplifts to Privacy Laws.

    The scope of responsibilities for data controllers under these global data privacy and protection laws are also growing - with many modern

    Thus, organizations in APAC are encountering experiences in which they are seeing Data Sovereignty Laws as well as banking regulations around PII and MetaData that require audit and compliance at cloud scale.

    We will explore the organizational impacts we are seeing across the region in meeting these challenges.

    • The key impacts and considerations for organizations who are impacted by the merger of PI and SI into multiple regulations
    • Technology is being developed and adopted to help organizations to manage these regulations at scale and where possible autonomously
    • An overlap of roles and responsibilities across Policy, Classification, and Protection is occurring and the adoption of cloud and multicloud is accelerating this
  • 15:55
    Nancy Wong_New - Edited

    Sharpening your Cloud standards and compliance practices

    Nancy Wong - IT Audit Manager - Lion

    • Exploring the most common industry security standards and cloud control framework
    • How to choose the right standard and bring it to life in your cloud practices
    • Striving for on-going compliance - when independent control assurance is needed?
  • 16:20

    VIP Think Tank

  • 16:20-17:20

    Cocktail in the Cloud - API Security and Visibility in the Cloud


    In a world where the information age is at its zenith, with hundreds of thousands of applications being launched every day, the use and demand for application programming Interfaces (APIs) has increased significantly. Powered by open web technologies, APIs have transformed interdependence and partnerships between various commercial enterprises and sectors, allowing them to extend their offerings through in-app connections. With increased API usage, however, comes with it complications -- a major one being security. 
    In this session, cyber security experts from Orca Security, Daniel Keidar and Scott van Kalken, will share how the company’s first patented agentless cloud security technology helps security teams identify and address API misconfigurations and security risks across a multi-cloud environment.

    Gil Geron, Co-Founder, Orca Security

    Daniel Keidar, Associate Vice President, Orca Security

    Scott van Kalken, Senior Systems Engineer, Orca Security

  • 16:20


  • 16:50
    Chirag Joshi_Picture

    Be the Thermostat not a Thermometer

    Chirag Joshi - Best Selling Author - 7 rules to Influence Behaviour and win at Cyber Security Awareness, 7 Rules to Become Exceptional at Cyber Security


    It's said that smooth seas never make skilled sailors. If you're a cyber security leader, the good news then is that you definitely don't have "smooth seas" to reckon with. The challenging times presented by increasing connectivity, speed of business transformation, evolution of cyber threats and ever rising expectations can and do overwhelm even the best amongst us.  
    This unique session will focus on providing cyber leaders with tangible, real-world tips to build the right mindset, emotional intelligence and differentiating skills that will allow them to deliver massive value to their organisations and optimise their own well-being. 

  • 17:15
    Doug Hammond_Photo

    Keynote of Success: Like being challenged? Strategies to report risks to the board

    Doug Hammond - CISO - Uniting

    • Understanding cyber risks in a quantifiable way
    • How to demonstrate the value of risks to the executive management
    • What are the biggest challenges when getting buy-in from top management?
    • Communication effectiveness: putting yourself in the boss’ shoes and delivering the right message
  • 17:40
    Panel Discussion

    Fireside chat: Can CEOs and CISOs work better together & collaborate?

    • How can CISOs speak the CEOs’ language?
    • What does the board expect from CISOs when evaluating and reporting inherent and evolving risks?
    • How can the board support CISOs in conducting a cybersecurity mission & strengthening their posture?
    • Working together in mastering the company’s digital governance & risk management practices
    • Exploring challenges and opportunities to adopt a secure-by-design approach in the business


    Greg Sawyer, CEO, CAUDIT

    Walter Kmet, CEO, Macquarie University Hospital

    Vasyl Nair, CEO, Mine Super

    Faizal Janif, Executive Advisory Board Member, AISA

  • 18:05-19:00

    Day One Close and CISOs Cocktail Reception & Networking - Continue the conversations in a fun and entertaining way

  • 18:30

    VIP Executive Dinner

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  • 08:00


  • 09:50
    Sergio Rego

    How Deep Learning is Unlocking a $362B Value Creation Opportunity in Financial Services

    Sergio Rego - AI Customer Engineer - SambaNova Systems


    In the highly competitive age of digital transformation financial service organizations are facing accelerated urgency to improve their customer and employee experience while simultaneously reducing operating costs, and managing risk and compliance.

    To meet these competing demands on their business, these organizations are racing to deploy deep learning to achieve a new competitive edge by optimizing their back office operations with intelligent document processing, personalizing their customer experience with cutting edge NLP models, and reducing fraud and risk using state-of-the-art deep learning.

    AI is here and delivering new capabilities to help businesses solve large and complicated challenges. Join Bob Gaines to learn what that means for your business and how deep learning is helping organizations:

    • Achieve higher compliance, faster and with lower costs • Dramatically improve Customer Experience • Reduce time to value from years to weeks

    Sergio Rego is a customer engineer at SambaNova Systems where he helps clients deploy purpose-built, deep learning solutions in weeks rather than years. Sergio started his career in financial services, where he worked in strategy; active and index management; and product design and management. Sergio also served as a senior data scientist and team manager for a system integrator where he helped federal government agencies deploy ML and AI solutions.

  • 08:00


  • 09:50
    Sergio Rego

    How Deep Learning is Unlocking a $362B Value Creation Opportunity in Financial Services

    Sergio Rego - AI Customer Engineer - SambaNova Systems


    In the highly competitive age of digital transformation financial service organizations are facing accelerated urgency to improve their customer and employee experience while simultaneously reducing operating costs, and managing risk and compliance.

    To meet these competing demands on their business, these organizations are racing to deploy deep learning to achieve a new competitive edge by optimizing their back office operations with intelligent document processing, personalizing their customer experience with cutting edge NLP models, and reducing fraud and risk using state-of-the-art deep learning.

    AI is here and delivering new capabilities to help businesses solve large and complicated challenges. Join Bob Gaines to learn what that means for your business and how deep learning is helping organizations:

    • Achieve higher compliance, faster and with lower costs • Dramatically improve Customer Experience • Reduce time to value from years to weeks

    Sergio Rego is a customer engineer at SambaNova Systems where he helps clients deploy purpose-built, deep learning solutions in weeks rather than years. Sergio started his career in financial services, where he worked in strategy; active and index management; and product design and management. Sergio also served as a senior data scientist and team manager for a system integrator where he helped federal government agencies deploy ML and AI solutions.

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  • 07:20

    VIP Breakfast – Invite only

  • 08:20

    Register; grab a coffee. Mix, mingle and say hello to peers old and new.

  • 08:50

    Welcome from Corinium and the Chairperson

  • 09:00

    Ministerial Keynote: Australian Government & Industries partnering up to tackle the talent gap through skills and training

    The Hon. Brendan O’Connor - Minister for Skills and Training - Australian Government

    • Overview on the growing threats landscape and how it could impact our societies, businesses, and economies
    • Bridging the talent gap for better security and resilience
    • Advices for Australian organisations to support workforce training when adopting robust cyber security measures
  • 09:25

    Emotional intelligence for cybersecurity leaders

    Partner session - Senior representative - TBA


    A CISO role goes far beyond a technical information assets and technology security role. With increased demand for risk, compliance, and governance skills, their role continues to evolve and require executive management capabilities. During this session, we will unveil a simple powerful process to awaken CISOs leadership and life skills.

  • 09:50
    Maryam Bechtel_Photo

    Keynote: Embracing cybersecurity in 2023 – Building an effective program

    Maryam Bechtel - CISO - AGL

    • Successful practices combining cybersecurity and data protection to comply with increased data privacy regulations
    • How to adopt secure digital identity and mitigate privacy rights risks
    • Embedding the necessary protections into your identity verification systems
    • Implementing architecture systems that reduces overcollection during identity verification
  • 08:00


  • 09:50

    How Deep Learning is Unlocking a $362B Value Creation Opportunity in Financial Services

    Sergio Rego - AI Customer Engineer - SambaNova Systems


    In the highly competitive age of digital transformation financial service organizations are facing accelerated urgency to improve their customer and employee experience while simultaneously reducing operating costs, and managing risk and compliance.

    To meet these competing demands on their business, these organizations are racing to deploy deep learning to achieve a new competitive edge by optimizing their back office operations with intelligent document processing, personalizing their customer experience with cutting edge NLP models, and reducing fraud and risk using state-of-the-art deep learning.

    AI is here and delivering new capabilities to help businesses solve large and complicated challenges. Join Bob Gaines to learn what that means for your business and how deep learning is helping organizations:

    • Achieve higher compliance, faster and with lower costs • Dramatically improve Customer Experience • Reduce time to value from years to weeks

    Sergio Rego is a customer engineer at SambaNova Systems where he helps clients deploy purpose-built, deep learning solutions in weeks rather than years. Sergio started his career in financial services, where he worked in strategy; active and index management; and product design and management. Sergio also served as a senior data scientist and team manager for a system integrator where he helped federal government agencies deploy ML and AI solutions.

  • 12:00


  • Track A

  • 09:50

    How Deep Learning is Unlocking a $362B Value Creation Opportunity in Financial Services

    Sergio Rego - AI Customer Engineer - SambaNova Systems


    In the highly competitive age of digital transformation financial service organizations are facing accelerated urgency to improve their customer and employee experience while simultaneously reducing operating costs, and managing risk and compliance.

    To meet these competing demands on their business, these organizations are racing to deploy deep learning to achieve a new competitive edge by optimizing their back office operations with intelligent document processing, personalizing their customer experience with cutting edge NLP models, and reducing fraud and risk using state-of-the-art deep learning.

    AI is here and delivering new capabilities to help businesses solve large and complicated challenges. Join Bob Gaines to learn what that means for your business and how deep learning is helping organizations:

    • Achieve higher compliance, faster and with lower costs • Dramatically improve Customer Experience • Reduce time to value from years to weeks

    Sergio Rego is a customer engineer at SambaNova Systems where he helps clients deploy purpose-built, deep learning solutions in weeks rather than years. Sergio started his career in financial services, where he worked in strategy; active and index management; and product design and management. Sergio also served as a senior data scientist and team manager for a system integrator where he helped federal government agencies deploy ML and AI solutions.

  • 09:50

    How Deep Learning is Unlocking a $362B Value Creation Opportunity in Financial Services

    Sergio Rego - AI Customer Engineer - SambaNova Systems


    In the highly competitive age of digital transformation financial service organizations are facing accelerated urgency to improve their customer and employee experience while simultaneously reducing operating costs, and managing risk and compliance.

    To meet these competing demands on their business, these organizations are racing to deploy deep learning to achieve a new competitive edge by optimizing their back office operations with intelligent document processing, personalizing their customer experience with cutting edge NLP models, and reducing fraud and risk using state-of-the-art deep learning.

    AI is here and delivering new capabilities to help businesses solve large and complicated challenges. Join Bob Gaines to learn what that means for your business and how deep learning is helping organizations:

    • Achieve higher compliance, faster and with lower costs • Dramatically improve Customer Experience • Reduce time to value from years to weeks

    Sergio Rego is a customer engineer at SambaNova Systems where he helps clients deploy purpose-built, deep learning solutions in weeks rather than years. Sergio started his career in financial services, where he worked in strategy; active and index management; and product design and management. Sergio also served as a senior data scientist and team manager for a system integrator where he helped federal government agencies deploy ML and AI solutions.

  • 09:50

    How Deep Learning is Unlocking a $362B Value Creation Opportunity in Financial Services

    Sergio Rego - AI Customer Engineer - SambaNova Systems


    In the highly competitive age of digital transformation financial service organizations are facing accelerated urgency to improve their customer and employee experience while simultaneously reducing operating costs, and managing risk and compliance.

    To meet these competing demands on their business, these organizations are racing to deploy deep learning to achieve a new competitive edge by optimizing their back office operations with intelligent document processing, personalizing their customer experience with cutting edge NLP models, and reducing fraud and risk using state-of-the-art deep learning.

    AI is here and delivering new capabilities to help businesses solve large and complicated challenges. Join Bob Gaines to learn what that means for your business and how deep learning is helping organizations:

    • Achieve higher compliance, faster and with lower costs • Dramatically improve Customer Experience • Reduce time to value from years to weeks

    Sergio Rego is a customer engineer at SambaNova Systems where he helps clients deploy purpose-built, deep learning solutions in weeks rather than years. Sergio started his career in financial services, where he worked in strategy; active and index management; and product design and management. Sergio also served as a senior data scientist and team manager for a system integrator where he helped federal government agencies deploy ML and AI solutions.

  • 08:00


  • 09:50

    How Deep Learning is Unlocking a $362B Value Creation Opportunity in Financial Services

    Sergio Rego - AI Customer Engineer - SambaNova Systems


    In the highly competitive age of digital transformation financial service organizations are facing accelerated urgency to improve their customer and employee experience while simultaneously reducing operating costs, and managing risk and compliance.

    To meet these competing demands on their business, these organizations are racing to deploy deep learning to achieve a new competitive edge by optimizing their back office operations with intelligent document processing, personalizing their customer experience with cutting edge NLP models, and reducing fraud and risk using state-of-the-art deep learning.

    AI is here and delivering new capabilities to help businesses solve large and complicated challenges. Join Bob Gaines to learn what that means for your business and how deep learning is helping organizations:

    • Achieve higher compliance, faster and with lower costs • Dramatically improve Customer Experience • Reduce time to value from years to weeks

    Sergio Rego is a customer engineer at SambaNova Systems where he helps clients deploy purpose-built, deep learning solutions in weeks rather than years. Sergio started his career in financial services, where he worked in strategy; active and index management; and product design and management. Sergio also served as a senior data scientist and team manager for a system integrator where he helped federal government agencies deploy ML and AI solutions.

  • Track B

  • 09:50

    How Deep Learning is Unlocking a $362B Value Creation Opportunity in Financial Services

    Sergio Rego - AI Customer Engineer - SambaNova Systems


    In the highly competitive age of digital transformation financial service organizations are facing accelerated urgency to improve their customer and employee experience while simultaneously reducing operating costs, and managing risk and compliance.

    To meet these competing demands on their business, these organizations are racing to deploy deep learning to achieve a new competitive edge by optimizing their back office operations with intelligent document processing, personalizing their customer experience with cutting edge NLP models, and reducing fraud and risk using state-of-the-art deep learning.

    AI is here and delivering new capabilities to help businesses solve large and complicated challenges. Join Bob Gaines to learn what that means for your business and how deep learning is helping organizations:

    • Achieve higher compliance, faster and with lower costs • Dramatically improve Customer Experience • Reduce time to value from years to weeks

    Sergio Rego is a customer engineer at SambaNova Systems where he helps clients deploy purpose-built, deep learning solutions in weeks rather than years. Sergio started his career in financial services, where he worked in strategy; active and index management; and product design and management. Sergio also served as a senior data scientist and team manager for a system integrator where he helped federal government agencies deploy ML and AI solutions.

  • 09:50

    How Deep Learning is Unlocking a $362B Value Creation Opportunity in Financial Services

    Sergio Rego - AI Customer Engineer - SambaNova Systems


    In the highly competitive age of digital transformation financial service organizations are facing accelerated urgency to improve their customer and employee experience while simultaneously reducing operating costs, and managing risk and compliance.

    To meet these competing demands on their business, these organizations are racing to deploy deep learning to achieve a new competitive edge by optimizing their back office operations with intelligent document processing, personalizing their customer experience with cutting edge NLP models, and reducing fraud and risk using state-of-the-art deep learning.

    AI is here and delivering new capabilities to help businesses solve large and complicated challenges. Join Bob Gaines to learn what that means for your business and how deep learning is helping organizations:

    • Achieve higher compliance, faster and with lower costs • Dramatically improve Customer Experience • Reduce time to value from years to weeks

    Sergio Rego is a customer engineer at SambaNova Systems where he helps clients deploy purpose-built, deep learning solutions in weeks rather than years. Sergio started his career in financial services, where he worked in strategy; active and index management; and product design and management. Sergio also served as a senior data scientist and team manager for a system integrator where he helped federal government agencies deploy ML and AI solutions.

  • 09:50

    How Deep Learning is Unlocking a $362B Value Creation Opportunity in Financial Services

    Sergio Rego - AI Customer Engineer - SambaNova Systems


    In the highly competitive age of digital transformation financial service organizations are facing accelerated urgency to improve their customer and employee experience while simultaneously reducing operating costs, and managing risk and compliance.

    To meet these competing demands on their business, these organizations are racing to deploy deep learning to achieve a new competitive edge by optimizing their back office operations with intelligent document processing, personalizing their customer experience with cutting edge NLP models, and reducing fraud and risk using state-of-the-art deep learning.

    AI is here and delivering new capabilities to help businesses solve large and complicated challenges. Join Bob Gaines to learn what that means for your business and how deep learning is helping organizations:

    • Achieve higher compliance, faster and with lower costs • Dramatically improve Customer Experience • Reduce time to value from years to weeks

    Sergio Rego is a customer engineer at SambaNova Systems where he helps clients deploy purpose-built, deep learning solutions in weeks rather than years. Sergio started his career in financial services, where he worked in strategy; active and index management; and product design and management. Sergio also served as a senior data scientist and team manager for a system integrator where he helped federal government agencies deploy ML and AI solutions.

    Not Found

  • 08:00


  • 09:50
    Fireside chat

    Fireside Chat: How Deep Learning is Unlocking a $362B Value Creation Opportunity in Financial Services

    - -


    In the highly competitive age of digital transformation financial service organizations are facing accelerated urgency to improve their customer and employee experience while simultaneously reducing operating costs, and managing risk and compliance.

    To meet these competing demands on their business, these organizations are racing to deploy deep learning to achieve a new competitive edge by optimizing their back office operations with intelligent document processing, personalizing their customer experience with cutting edge NLP models, and reducing fraud and risk using state-of-the-art deep learning.

    AI is here and delivering new capabilities to help businesses solve large and complicated challenges. Join Bob Gaines to learn what that means for your business and how deep learning is helping organizations:

    • Achieve higher compliance, faster and with lower costs • Dramatically improve Customer Experience • Reduce time to value from years to weeks

    Sergio Rego is a customer engineer at SambaNova Systems where he helps clients deploy purpose-built, deep learning solutions in weeks rather than years. Sergio started his career in financial services, where he worked in strategy; active and index management; and product design and management. Sergio also served as a senior data scientist and team manager for a system integrator where he helped federal government agencies deploy ML and AI solutions.


    Speaker 1

    Speaker 2

    Speaker 3

  • 09:55
    Group Discussion new

    Group Discussion: How Deep Learning is Unlocking a $362B Value Creation Opportunity in Financial Services

    - -


    In the highly competitive age of digital transformation financial service organizations are facing accelerated urgency to improve their customer and employee experience while simultaneously reducing operating costs, and managing risk and compliance.

    To meet these competing demands on their business, these organizations are racing to deploy deep learning to achieve a new competitive edge by optimizing their back office operations with intelligent document processing, personalizing their customer experience with cutting edge NLP models, and reducing fraud and risk using state-of-the-art deep learning.

    AI is here and delivering new capabilities to help businesses solve large and complicated challenges. Join Bob Gaines to learn what that means for your business and how deep learning is helping organizations:

    • Achieve higher compliance, faster and with lower costs • Dramatically improve Customer Experience • Reduce time to value from years to weeks

    Sergio Rego is a customer engineer at SambaNova Systems where he helps clients deploy purpose-built, deep learning solutions in weeks rather than years. Sergio started his career in financial services, where he worked in strategy; active and index management; and product design and management. Sergio also served as a senior data scientist and team manager for a system integrator where he helped federal government agencies deploy ML and AI solutions.


    Speaker 1

    Speaker 2

    Speaker 3

  • 10:00
    Panel Discussion

    Panel Discussion: How Deep Learning is Unlocking a $362B Value Creation Opportunity in Financial Services

    - -


    In the highly competitive age of digital transformation financial service organizations are facing accelerated urgency to improve their customer and employee experience while simultaneously reducing operating costs, and managing risk and compliance.

    To meet these competing demands on their business, these organizations are racing to deploy deep learning to achieve a new competitive edge by optimizing their back office operations with intelligent document processing, personalizing their customer experience with cutting edge NLP models, and reducing fraud and risk using state-of-the-art deep learning.

    AI is here and delivering new capabilities to help businesses solve large and complicated challenges. Join Bob Gaines to learn what that means for your business and how deep learning is helping organizations:

    • Achieve higher compliance, faster and with lower costs • Dramatically improve Customer Experience • Reduce time to value from years to weeks

    Sergio Rego is a customer engineer at SambaNova Systems where he helps clients deploy purpose-built, deep learning solutions in weeks rather than years. Sergio started his career in financial services, where he worked in strategy; active and index management; and product design and management. Sergio also served as a senior data scientist and team manager for a system integrator where he helped federal government agencies deploy ML and AI solutions.


    Speaker 1

    Speaker 2

    Speaker 3

  • 10:05
    Solutions Clinic

    Solutions Clinic: How Deep Learning is Unlocking a $362B Value Creation Opportunity in Financial Services

    - -


    In the highly competitive age of digital transformation financial service organizations are facing accelerated urgency to improve their customer and employee experience while simultaneously reducing operating costs, and managing risk and compliance.

    To meet these competing demands on their business, these organizations are racing to deploy deep learning to achieve a new competitive edge by optimizing their back office operations with intelligent document processing, personalizing their customer experience with cutting edge NLP models, and reducing fraud and risk using state-of-the-art deep learning.

    AI is here and delivering new capabilities to help businesses solve large and complicated challenges. Join Bob Gaines to learn what that means for your business and how deep learning is helping organizations:

    • Achieve higher compliance, faster and with lower costs • Dramatically improve Customer Experience • Reduce time to value from years to weeks

    Sergio Rego is a customer engineer at SambaNova Systems where he helps clients deploy purpose-built, deep learning solutions in weeks rather than years. Sergio started his career in financial services, where he worked in strategy; active and index management; and product design and management. Sergio also served as a senior data scientist and team manager for a system integrator where he helped federal government agencies deploy ML and AI solutions.


    Speaker 1

    Speaker 2

    Speaker 3

    Not Found

  • 07:20

    VIP Breakfast – Invite only

  • 08:20

    Register; grab a coffee. Mix, mingle and say hello to peers old and new.

  • 08:50

    Welcome from Corinium and the Chairperson

  • 09:00

    Ministerial Keynote: Australian Government & Industries partnering up to tackle the talent gap through skills and training

    The Hon. Brendan O’Connor - Minister for Skills and Training - Australian Government

    • Overview on the growing threats landscape and how it could impact our societies, businesses, and economies
    • Bridging the talent gap for better security and resilience
    • Advices for Australian organisations to support workforce training when adopting robust cyber security measures
  • 09:25

    Emotional intelligence for cybersecurity leaders

    Partner session - Senior representative - TBA


    A CISO role goes far beyond a technical information assets and technology security role. With increased demand for risk, compliance, and governance skills, their role continues to evolve and require executive management capabilities. During this session, we will unveil a simple powerful process to awaken CISOs leadership and life skills.

  • 09:50
    Maryam Bechtel_Photo

    Keynote: Embracing cybersecurity in 2023 – Building an effective program

    Maryam Bechtel - CISO - AGL

    • Successful practices combining cybersecurity and data protection to comply with increased data privacy regulations
    • How to adopt secure digital identity and mitigate privacy rights risks
    • Embedding the necessary protections into your identity verification systems
    • Implementing architecture systems that reduces overcollection during identity verification
  • 08:00


  • 09:50

    How Deep Learning is Unlocking a $362B Value Creation Opportunity in Financial Services

    Sergio Rego - AI Customer Engineer - SambaNova Systems


    In the highly competitive age of digital transformation financial service organizations are facing accelerated urgency to improve their customer and employee experience while simultaneously reducing operating costs, and managing risk and compliance.

    To meet these competing demands on their business, these organizations are racing to deploy deep learning to achieve a new competitive edge by optimizing their back office operations with intelligent document processing, personalizing their customer experience with cutting edge NLP models, and reducing fraud and risk using state-of-the-art deep learning.

    AI is here and delivering new capabilities to help businesses solve large and complicated challenges. Join Bob Gaines to learn what that means for your business and how deep learning is helping organizations:

    • Achieve higher compliance, faster and with lower costs • Dramatically improve Customer Experience • Reduce time to value from years to weeks

    Sergio Rego is a customer engineer at SambaNova Systems where he helps clients deploy purpose-built, deep learning solutions in weeks rather than years. Sergio started his career in financial services, where he worked in strategy; active and index management; and product design and management. Sergio also served as a senior data scientist and team manager for a system integrator where he helped federal government agencies deploy ML and AI solutions.

  • 12:00


  • Track A

  • 09:50

    How Deep Learning is Unlocking a $362B Value Creation Opportunity in Financial Services

    Sergio Rego - AI Customer Engineer - SambaNova Systems


    In the highly competitive age of digital transformation financial service organizations are facing accelerated urgency to improve their customer and employee experience while simultaneously reducing operating costs, and managing risk and compliance.

    To meet these competing demands on their business, these organizations are racing to deploy deep learning to achieve a new competitive edge by optimizing their back office operations with intelligent document processing, personalizing their customer experience with cutting edge NLP models, and reducing fraud and risk using state-of-the-art deep learning.

    AI is here and delivering new capabilities to help businesses solve large and complicated challenges. Join Bob Gaines to learn what that means for your business and how deep learning is helping organizations:

    • Achieve higher compliance, faster and with lower costs • Dramatically improve Customer Experience • Reduce time to value from years to weeks

    Sergio Rego is a customer engineer at SambaNova Systems where he helps clients deploy purpose-built, deep learning solutions in weeks rather than years. Sergio started his career in financial services, where he worked in strategy; active and index management; and product design and management. Sergio also served as a senior data scientist and team manager for a system integrator where he helped federal government agencies deploy ML and AI solutions.

  • 09:50

    How Deep Learning is Unlocking a $362B Value Creation Opportunity in Financial Services

    Sergio Rego - AI Customer Engineer - SambaNova Systems


    In the highly competitive age of digital transformation financial service organizations are facing accelerated urgency to improve their customer and employee experience while simultaneously reducing operating costs, and managing risk and compliance.

    To meet these competing demands on their business, these organizations are racing to deploy deep learning to achieve a new competitive edge by optimizing their back office operations with intelligent document processing, personalizing their customer experience with cutting edge NLP models, and reducing fraud and risk using state-of-the-art deep learning.

    AI is here and delivering new capabilities to help businesses solve large and complicated challenges. Join Bob Gaines to learn what that means for your business and how deep learning is helping organizations:

    • Achieve higher compliance, faster and with lower costs • Dramatically improve Customer Experience • Reduce time to value from years to weeks

    Sergio Rego is a customer engineer at SambaNova Systems where he helps clients deploy purpose-built, deep learning solutions in weeks rather than years. Sergio started his career in financial services, where he worked in strategy; active and index management; and product design and management. Sergio also served as a senior data scientist and team manager for a system integrator where he helped federal government agencies deploy ML and AI solutions.

  • 09:50

    How Deep Learning is Unlocking a $362B Value Creation Opportunity in Financial Services

    Sergio Rego - AI Customer Engineer - SambaNova Systems


    In the highly competitive age of digital transformation financial service organizations are facing accelerated urgency to improve their customer and employee experience while simultaneously reducing operating costs, and managing risk and compliance.

    To meet these competing demands on their business, these organizations are racing to deploy deep learning to achieve a new competitive edge by optimizing their back office operations with intelligent document processing, personalizing their customer experience with cutting edge NLP models, and reducing fraud and risk using state-of-the-art deep learning.

    AI is here and delivering new capabilities to help businesses solve large and complicated challenges. Join Bob Gaines to learn what that means for your business and how deep learning is helping organizations:

    • Achieve higher compliance, faster and with lower costs • Dramatically improve Customer Experience • Reduce time to value from years to weeks

    Sergio Rego is a customer engineer at SambaNova Systems where he helps clients deploy purpose-built, deep learning solutions in weeks rather than years. Sergio started his career in financial services, where he worked in strategy; active and index management; and product design and management. Sergio also served as a senior data scientist and team manager for a system integrator where he helped federal government agencies deploy ML and AI solutions.

  • 08:00


  • 09:50

    How Deep Learning is Unlocking a $362B Value Creation Opportunity in Financial Services

    Sergio Rego - AI Customer Engineer - SambaNova Systems


    In the highly competitive age of digital transformation financial service organizations are facing accelerated urgency to improve their customer and employee experience while simultaneously reducing operating costs, and managing risk and compliance.

    To meet these competing demands on their business, these organizations are racing to deploy deep learning to achieve a new competitive edge by optimizing their back office operations with intelligent document processing, personalizing their customer experience with cutting edge NLP models, and reducing fraud and risk using state-of-the-art deep learning.

    AI is here and delivering new capabilities to help businesses solve large and complicated challenges. Join Bob Gaines to learn what that means for your business and how deep learning is helping organizations:

    • Achieve higher compliance, faster and with lower costs • Dramatically improve Customer Experience • Reduce time to value from years to weeks

    Sergio Rego is a customer engineer at SambaNova Systems where he helps clients deploy purpose-built, deep learning solutions in weeks rather than years. Sergio started his career in financial services, where he worked in strategy; active and index management; and product design and management. Sergio also served as a senior data scientist and team manager for a system integrator where he helped federal government agencies deploy ML and AI solutions.

  • Track B

  • 09:50

    How Deep Learning is Unlocking a $362B Value Creation Opportunity in Financial Services

    Sergio Rego - AI Customer Engineer - SambaNova Systems


    In the highly competitive age of digital transformation financial service organizations are facing accelerated urgency to improve their customer and employee experience while simultaneously reducing operating costs, and managing risk and compliance.

    To meet these competing demands on their business, these organizations are racing to deploy deep learning to achieve a new competitive edge by optimizing their back office operations with intelligent document processing, personalizing their customer experience with cutting edge NLP models, and reducing fraud and risk using state-of-the-art deep learning.

    AI is here and delivering new capabilities to help businesses solve large and complicated challenges. Join Bob Gaines to learn what that means for your business and how deep learning is helping organizations:

    • Achieve higher compliance, faster and with lower costs • Dramatically improve Customer Experience • Reduce time to value from years to weeks

    Sergio Rego is a customer engineer at SambaNova Systems where he helps clients deploy purpose-built, deep learning solutions in weeks rather than years. Sergio started his career in financial services, where he worked in strategy; active and index management; and product design and management. Sergio also served as a senior data scientist and team manager for a system integrator where he helped federal government agencies deploy ML and AI solutions.

  • 09:50

    How Deep Learning is Unlocking a $362B Value Creation Opportunity in Financial Services

    Sergio Rego - AI Customer Engineer - SambaNova Systems


    In the highly competitive age of digital transformation financial service organizations are facing accelerated urgency to improve their customer and employee experience while simultaneously reducing operating costs, and managing risk and compliance.

    To meet these competing demands on their business, these organizations are racing to deploy deep learning to achieve a new competitive edge by optimizing their back office operations with intelligent document processing, personalizing their customer experience with cutting edge NLP models, and reducing fraud and risk using state-of-the-art deep learning.

    AI is here and delivering new capabilities to help businesses solve large and complicated challenges. Join Bob Gaines to learn what that means for your business and how deep learning is helping organizations:

    • Achieve higher compliance, faster and with lower costs • Dramatically improve Customer Experience • Reduce time to value from years to weeks

    Sergio Rego is a customer engineer at SambaNova Systems where he helps clients deploy purpose-built, deep learning solutions in weeks rather than years. Sergio started his career in financial services, where he worked in strategy; active and index management; and product design and management. Sergio also served as a senior data scientist and team manager for a system integrator where he helped federal government agencies deploy ML and AI solutions.

  • 09:50

    How Deep Learning is Unlocking a $362B Value Creation Opportunity in Financial Services

    Sergio Rego - AI Customer Engineer - SambaNova Systems


    In the highly competitive age of digital transformation financial service organizations are facing accelerated urgency to improve their customer and employee experience while simultaneously reducing operating costs, and managing risk and compliance.

    To meet these competing demands on their business, these organizations are racing to deploy deep learning to achieve a new competitive edge by optimizing their back office operations with intelligent document processing, personalizing their customer experience with cutting edge NLP models, and reducing fraud and risk using state-of-the-art deep learning.

    AI is here and delivering new capabilities to help businesses solve large and complicated challenges. Join Bob Gaines to learn what that means for your business and how deep learning is helping organizations:

    • Achieve higher compliance, faster and with lower costs • Dramatically improve Customer Experience • Reduce time to value from years to weeks

    Sergio Rego is a customer engineer at SambaNova Systems where he helps clients deploy purpose-built, deep learning solutions in weeks rather than years. Sergio started his career in financial services, where he worked in strategy; active and index management; and product design and management. Sergio also served as a senior data scientist and team manager for a system integrator where he helped federal government agencies deploy ML and AI solutions.

    Not Found

  • 08:00


  • 09:50
    Fireside chat

    Fireside Chat: How Deep Learning is Unlocking a $362B Value Creation Opportunity in Financial Services

    - -


    In the highly competitive age of digital transformation financial service organizations are facing accelerated urgency to improve their customer and employee experience while simultaneously reducing operating costs, and managing risk and compliance.

    To meet these competing demands on their business, these organizations are racing to deploy deep learning to achieve a new competitive edge by optimizing their back office operations with intelligent document processing, personalizing their customer experience with cutting edge NLP models, and reducing fraud and risk using state-of-the-art deep learning.

    AI is here and delivering new capabilities to help businesses solve large and complicated challenges. Join Bob Gaines to learn what that means for your business and how deep learning is helping organizations:

    • Achieve higher compliance, faster and with lower costs • Dramatically improve Customer Experience • Reduce time to value from years to weeks

    Sergio Rego is a customer engineer at SambaNova Systems where he helps clients deploy purpose-built, deep learning solutions in weeks rather than years. Sergio started his career in financial services, where he worked in strategy; active and index management; and product design and management. Sergio also served as a senior data scientist and team manager for a system integrator where he helped federal government agencies deploy ML and AI solutions.


    Speaker 1

    Speaker 2

    Speaker 3

  • 09:55
    Group Discussion new

    Group Discussion: How Deep Learning is Unlocking a $362B Value Creation Opportunity in Financial Services

    - -


    In the highly competitive age of digital transformation financial service organizations are facing accelerated urgency to improve their customer and employee experience while simultaneously reducing operating costs, and managing risk and compliance.

    To meet these competing demands on their business, these organizations are racing to deploy deep learning to achieve a new competitive edge by optimizing their back office operations with intelligent document processing, personalizing their customer experience with cutting edge NLP models, and reducing fraud and risk using state-of-the-art deep learning.

    AI is here and delivering new capabilities to help businesses solve large and complicated challenges. Join Bob Gaines to learn what that means for your business and how deep learning is helping organizations:

    • Achieve higher compliance, faster and with lower costs • Dramatically improve Customer Experience • Reduce time to value from years to weeks

    Sergio Rego is a customer engineer at SambaNova Systems where he helps clients deploy purpose-built, deep learning solutions in weeks rather than years. Sergio started his career in financial services, where he worked in strategy; active and index management; and product design and management. Sergio also served as a senior data scientist and team manager for a system integrator where he helped federal government agencies deploy ML and AI solutions.


    Speaker 1

    Speaker 2

    Speaker 3

  • 10:00
    Panel Discussion

    Panel Discussion: How Deep Learning is Unlocking a $362B Value Creation Opportunity in Financial Services

    - -


    In the highly competitive age of digital transformation financial service organizations are facing accelerated urgency to improve their customer and employee experience while simultaneously reducing operating costs, and managing risk and compliance.

    To meet these competing demands on their business, these organizations are racing to deploy deep learning to achieve a new competitive edge by optimizing their back office operations with intelligent document processing, personalizing their customer experience with cutting edge NLP models, and reducing fraud and risk using state-of-the-art deep learning.

    AI is here and delivering new capabilities to help businesses solve large and complicated challenges. Join Bob Gaines to learn what that means for your business and how deep learning is helping organizations:

    • Achieve higher compliance, faster and with lower costs • Dramatically improve Customer Experience • Reduce time to value from years to weeks

    Sergio Rego is a customer engineer at SambaNova Systems where he helps clients deploy purpose-built, deep learning solutions in weeks rather than years. Sergio started his career in financial services, where he worked in strategy; active and index management; and product design and management. Sergio also served as a senior data scientist and team manager for a system integrator where he helped federal government agencies deploy ML and AI solutions.


    Speaker 1

    Speaker 2

    Speaker 3

  • 10:05
    Solutions Clinic

    Solutions Clinic: How Deep Learning is Unlocking a $362B Value Creation Opportunity in Financial Services

    - -


    In the highly competitive age of digital transformation financial service organizations are facing accelerated urgency to improve their customer and employee experience while simultaneously reducing operating costs, and managing risk and compliance.

    To meet these competing demands on their business, these organizations are racing to deploy deep learning to achieve a new competitive edge by optimizing their back office operations with intelligent document processing, personalizing their customer experience with cutting edge NLP models, and reducing fraud and risk using state-of-the-art deep learning.

    AI is here and delivering new capabilities to help businesses solve large and complicated challenges. Join Bob Gaines to learn what that means for your business and how deep learning is helping organizations:

    • Achieve higher compliance, faster and with lower costs • Dramatically improve Customer Experience • Reduce time to value from years to weeks

    Sergio Rego is a customer engineer at SambaNova Systems where he helps clients deploy purpose-built, deep learning solutions in weeks rather than years. Sergio started his career in financial services, where he worked in strategy; active and index management; and product design and management. Sergio also served as a senior data scientist and team manager for a system integrator where he helped federal government agencies deploy ML and AI solutions.


    Speaker 1

    Speaker 2

    Speaker 3